5 Tips to Help You Thrive During a Crisis 

I just want you to know that we’re in this together. If we’re willing to learn and grow through the hard things that we go through, then it will be a blessing and not a curse!

There are five ways that you can thrive during this current crisis that we’re walking through. 

  1. Choose gratitude. Even in the middle of our whole world turning upside down, we can find things to be thankful for. Take a moment to think about this — what is something that you’re grateful for today? 

  2. Embrace the change. A crisis changes everything. What happens when we get kicked out of our comfort zone? It doesn’t feel good, right? We have a choice about how we’ll handle these changes. A crisis always causes a big change and you can look at it as either an opportunity or a loss. Maybe this change will motivate you to stop procrastinating. Maybe you’ll try something new. Maybe you’ll learn a new skill that will make you better.

    Big changes are going to happen in life but when we’re willing to adapt and step out of our comfort zone, we’ll get better and thrive. 

  3. Start thinking creatively. This especially applies to entrepreneurs. During a crisis, we often have to change the way we’ve been interacting with people. During our current shutdown, all of us must do more of our business online. We’re thinking outside of the box! If there’s a will, there’s a way.

    Check out the following stats that I borrowed from Lewis Howes:
    "Startups founded during the last recession (08-10):
    WhatsApp Inc.
    Some of the most iconic companies of the next decade will undoubtedly be launched during these surreal times. While this time brings about a lot of pain, it also brings about lots of opportunity. Opportunity to get closer to loved ones, to invest time in something you’ve always wanted to pursue, or catch up with tasks that have been pushing aside for a while." 

    What feels like a stop sign in your life is actually an opportunity for you to look for a new way. Successful people push through the hard times. 

  4. Find someone to bless. Who can you help others? How can you provide value? How you can make someone else’s day better? A crisis has a way of making us band together. As people, we can come together during hard times to help each other. Comment below and share one way that you can bless others right now. 

  5. Distance yourself from negativity. During a time of crisis, be careful to guard your mindset. If you tune into everything on social media and listen to everything that the media is saying, you’re going to feel drained and overwhelmed. Pay attention to what’s happening in your thought process.

    In the Bible, Peter found himself in a scary situation after he got out of the boat and started walking on water. When he started focusing on the waves in front of him, he started sinking. But when he focused on Jesus, he was able to keep going.

    It’s helpful to remember that no crisis lasts forever. Difficult things only last for a season, so try to remember that this too shall pass. Get outside and take a walk. Unplug from social media so you’re not just mindlessly scrolling. Choose to look for joy and hold on to it! 

Finally, I want you to know that I’m not minimizing what anyone is currently going through. I know this is a very difficult time for a lot of people. I wish I could give out hugs, so here’s a virtual hug from me. Please let me know how I can pray for you! 

We’re going to get through this time together. 

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