This week we're upping our jewelry game by complimenting it to our skin tone.
I've been learning secrets from the pros and I've been learning that jewelry shouldn't just go with your outfit. It should also compliment your skin tone. Whaaat? I know, right! Yes, women who are really good at accessorizing know how to highlight their skin tones with their jewelry.
Cool facts:

Don't stop believing.
Are you praying for something that you've been praying about for a really long time?? I can relate.
I remember praying for the man God had for me. I wrote love letters to him before we ever met.
Then I remember the joy of miracles happening with God bringing me the husband perfect for me.
I remember crying and asking God why after the miscarriage. I spent months and months in grief.
Later we experienced the amazing miracle of the adoption of our precious Isabelle.
I remember being stressed out living paycheck to paycheck. I felt so stuck. I wanted more out of life but had no idea how it would happen. God brought this incredible business called Paparazzi Accessories into our lives. Today because of this amazing company we don’t have to stress out about our bills and now we can give back in big ways. (“Please click this link to see the average earnings for Paparazzi Consultants:”)
The point is, I have been changed because of prayers. I have been changed from stepping out of my comfort zone. Every single one of these blessings came from a situation that didn’t fit In a status quo box!
God likes to use the most unlikely people and things to fulfill his purpose. The more impossible it looks the better opportunity for Him to take that mess and make a miracle.
God came to bust open all status quo boxes and give us freedom. He wants to give us crazy amazing gifts. We have to be open to saying yes to His plan. It’s always the best! 💕