Do you love or hate pastel colors?
Did you know that most people don't like to wear pastel colors? Most of us like to wear black because it makes us feel and look slimmer, yada yada. If you're feeling bored with wearing black, get out of your comfort zone and try wearing pastels.
Did you know: the soft hues of the pastel color family have a psychological effect on the wearer and those involved with them. (source) Subconsciously, pastel colors make us (and others!) feel positive things. Pastel colors make someone seem more relatable and fun!
Recently I heard the story about a young woman who kept applying for acting roles that she really wanted. She always wore black to her interviews and she always got turned down for the role. One week, she started playing with color and wore some pastels. She booked the first role and continued to book acting roles. The point was that she looked more approachable, fun, and relatable by wearing pastel colors.
Play with pastels in your accessories, like these boho blush-colored feather earrings or this fun glittery blue bracelet.
Bonus tip: search for your favorite color by using the search feature on my website to find jewelry in the colors you LOVE!
The colors and accessories you wear tell the world who you are, and who are you? Say it with me — ROYALTY!
No matter what color you wear this week, remember this: You are loved without condition. You are treasured. You are one of a kind that deserves to be celebrated. You were created on purpose with a unique purpose.
You have amazing gifts and talents.
Quit burying them in the sand. Quit comparing yourself to anyone. Quit playing small.
You're already making a difference just by being here. This world needs you to be the best version of you.
Shine your light today!
I dare you to see how beautiful you are. Post on social media to share what you find to be beautiful about yourself! Use the hashtag #royalrockstar with your post — pass the positivity forward!