Loyalty Program



Loyalty Program

Buy 12 and Get 1 Free! 

When you sign up for our loyalty program, you will automatically earn 1 free $5 item for every 12 $5 items you purchase! 

Here's how to sign up: 

CLICK HERE to sign up. 

Once you've signed up, make sure you add it to your mobile wallet on your phone. This will allow you to get notifications when stamps have been added to your card and for you to see how many more you need until your next reward. You will also be notified when you have earned your free piece. 

Disclaimer: You must have sign up for the loyal program to participate. It is the only way we can track your progress. Only purchases made after you sign up for the loyalty program will count towards your next reward. Free items will be issued to your app/commentsold account. Rewards will be updated on Mondays + Thursdays.