Two Simple Ways to Get Your Creativity Flowing Again
Whether you are a parent, a business owner, or a single person with a job, you need some motivation to get through life. What happens when you don't feel motivated anymore? It happens to all of us, okay, but let's not stay stuck there. Let's talk about getting motivated.
First, I’m going to tell you a secret about me. Are you ready?
Here’s my secret. Now, I know y'all see me going live on Facebook all the time…. but guess what, doing videos actually freaks me out. For real, y’all. I just don’t always like doing it and sometimes it’s hard...
What is your "WHY"?
What are you passionate about? What excites you? What energizes you?
If life feels blah, if you feel like you are just going through the motions, if you feel bored and not feeling the motivation you need to connect back to your passion.
What is your why? What’s your vision?
I dare you to take some time to think about this. When you connect to your passion your face lights up. You get excited. You choose faith over fear. You are willing to do whatever it takes.
Allow those dreams and desires that are in your heart to come to the surface....